Here you may find the Ad-hoc- and IR releases published by the Bank Austria Investor Relations Team.

As an issuer of financial instruments, Bank Austria has certain disclosure obligations under the EU-wide Market Abuse Regulation (MAR), such as the immediate publication of ad-hoc releases as soon as an insider information, i.e. a relevant information that is (possibly) influencing the share or bond prices of an issuer, comes to light within Bank Austria. This is to prevent insider trading and market manipulation on the capital market.

Investor Relations (IR) Releases are sent out by Bank Austria when investors are to receive other relevant corporate information.

Should you as investor have any questions, kindly contact us.

IR Releases Ad-hoc Releases

Here you may find the Ad-hoc releases published by the Bank Austria Investor Relations Team in accordance with the Market Abuse Regulation (MAR, Regulation (EU) Nr. 596/2014).

In the current year no Ad-hoc releases have been published so far.
