The form of financing for the commodities or trade goods sector.
Structured Commodity Financing is a form of financing for the commodities or trade goods sector (e.g. crude oil, crude oil products, natural gas, coal, coke, steel and steel products, non-ferrous metals, cotton, grain, oil seeds, base chemicals, fertilisers and paper, etc.). The lending structure is determined by the production, transport or sales cycle for the goods concerned. Generally, a fixed percentage of the contract value is financed, depending on the goods concerned and the specifics and risks of the commercial transaction.
Common forms of financing:
- Advance payment financing/pre-financing,
- Tolling financing (toll manufacturing),
- Transport financing,
- Storage financing,
- Payment term financing
- and specific combinations of these forms of financing customised to the transactions concerned
Target group:
The product is primarily directed at commodity traders, commodity producers and organisations or customers connected with them who have a high-level of demand for financing working capital in connection with commodities.