Under the title “MoneyMatters,” Bank Austria offers a combination of workshops and an online platform enabling students to build up their financial knowledge.
Just under 23% of the clients of debt advisory services and Austria are 30 years old at most.
Financial education is an effective means of avoiding debts. With “MoneyMatters”, a project in the context of our Social Impact Banking initiative, we bring this financial education together with our well-known partner the Austrian Social and Economic Museum into schools.
The program relies on the program “Start-up Your Life,” which was developed by UniCredit, but adapted for Austrian schools. “Start-up Your Life” soon received from Brandon Hall Group the distinction of being the “Best Unique or Innovative Learning and Development Program.”

Blended learning
Workshops offer an introduction to the program; after that, the students can work with the innovative online platform either in class or at home.
In five basic modules, they get acquainted with the principles of money and the economy. Practical orientation is in the foreground: For example, it deals with “Card payment and online banking” or “Individual financial planning and budgeting.”
After completing all modules, the students receive a basic certificate
In order to receive the premium certificate, 10 (of a total of 12) modules must be passed. Topics range from “Technology and finances” through “Cyber security” to an introduction to the world of entrepreneurship. The program is aimed primarily to students from about the age of 14; the basic modules are already suitable for the fourth class of NMS (new secondary school).
With “MoneyMatters”, we show that even a complicated topic like “Money and finances” can be treated in a way that makes sense for young people. Short videos, quiz questions, fill-in-the-blank tests or animated graphics communicate the contents..