For a better and fairer society
Through Social Impact Banking, we are supporting and financing companies and organisations that benefit society in measurable terms and increase the financial skills of the general population.
Social commitment is a long-standing tradition at Bank Austria. We are now using Social Impact Banking to expand this commitment by deploying our proven skills: allocating special loans, sharing our economic and financial expertise, and our employees’ commitment.

"We want to be drivers and agents of change to improve our society. We need to do good in order to do well. That is our firm belief. We are expanding our social responsibility in Austria through Social Impact Banking."
Contribution to a better society
By introducing Social Impact Banking and its 3 pillars, “Impact Financing”, “Microfinance” and “Financial Training”, we are supporting our goal of contributing to a better society.

Impact Financing
We finance and support companies and non-profit organisations that generate social improvements for our society. In addition to subsidies and low-interest loans, we offer support by conducting financial training, sharing experiences and increasing visibility.
Our focus is on companies in the following areas:
- Health and social care
- Education and training
- Construction of public housing
- Social tourism
- Social agriculture
- Protection and enhancement of our cultural heritage
- Companies in any sector who seek to integrate disadvantaged groups into the labour force.

Microfinancing for small companies and loans for special target groups
We support the establishment and development of small companies through MicroCredit programmes. We not only offer them access to funds, but also provide them basic skills and networking through mentors.
We also offer special financing for the blind and visually impaired, for major purchases such as smart, portable vision aids; a guide dog; or improving accessibility in their home.

Financial education
We help adolescents and young adults as well as start-up founders improve their financial skills. On the one hand, we focus on school pupils who we support through financial education workshops, online platforms and competitions. On the other hand, we provide financial expertise to vulnerable groups, in particular young people and those at risk of exclusion.
Our employees’ commitment is crucial to the success of Social Impact Banking. As speakers and mentors, they invest their time and knowledge in assisting companies, organisations and individuals. They increase the awareness of social projects and bring people together so they can exchange their experiences.
Our approach to Social Impact Banking
Social Impact Banking attaches great importance to the ongoing monitoring and measurement of specific results. This means that the projects sponsored are reviewed for sustainable growth.
Social Impact Banking provides loans - impact financing and micro-credits - with the goal of actively supporting social organizations and initiatives with measurable positive social impact. This concept promotes positive social change in our society and is tailored to local needs for each project.
Social Impact Banking underlines UniCredit's strong commitment to providing the best possible development opportunities for people and especially for its customers